Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Kakatua Jambul-jingga

Cockatoo of Jambul-Jingga or in itshis erudite name is Cacatua Sulphurea citrinocristata is fairish bird is from one of gender bird of bent bill, Cacatua. Cockatoo of Jambul-Jingga represent smallest subspesies from four subspesies of bird of Kakatua-Kecil Jambul-Kuning. This Bird most of all his/its fur is white chromatic. The leading of there are crest of chromatic of jingga which can be upheld with dark grey bill, ear of pock jingga, eye of coklat-tua kehitaman and foot/feet of grey chromatic. Plume flown and the rust colored undercarriage tail. Female bird similar to masculine bird
Endemic bird of This Indonesia is only met in forest of primary and sekunder of island of Sumba which is located in archipelago of Small Sunda. Pakan of Bird of Cockatoo Jambul-Jingga, like type bird of consisted of by other cockatoo of bulk, bean, crop and multifarious of fruits. This bird have a nest in tree hole
Pursuant to from loss of habitat of wild arrest and forest is which still going on for the commerce, population non-stoped decrease and also area of where this bird is found by very finite, Cockatoo of Jambul-Jingga evaluated by as critical in IUCN Red List and registered in CITES Appendix I [of] since 12 January 2005.Wikipedia

1 comment:

semarang 29 said...

burung kakak tua , hinggap di jendela aris sudah tua giginya tinggal 2