Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Cendrawasih (Paradisaeidae)

Exquisite Cendrawasih is of a kind the typical bird of area Papua, Indonesia. This Species is found in area of height of mountain of Jayawijaya of at height 2.700 until 4.000 metre. This species loo like crow with dewlap of eye yellow strike and pock of bold ochre in wing striking when flown and also voice continuous. Bird from this heaven live in forest, is very often seen to perch the above grove top. Sometime, he also think much of low coppice yg. His/Its den is develop;builded in tree bough or in tree hole. Business make den delivered by female pd cendrawasih. Generally, the female yield satu/dua egg yg brooded on. His/Its egg is chocolate orange chromatic. Masculine Cendrawasih of polygamous life adult. Beauty of fur lah making hunt cendrawasih cannot be prevented. Beauty of this fur have famous is totality world angle. Almost every day kawanan cendrawasih peeped, trapped then be under arrest & transported to town. His/Its status as animal protected do not enough able to protect it

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