Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Turtledove represent seed eater bird owning voice emission excess able to heard dulcet. the Dulcet voice is generally yielded by masculine turtledove individual. To produce voice which with quality require to be paid attention to by supply eat which can support health factor so that the appearance voice the bird become good. Besides addition elementary food, breeder also do/conduct addition suplemen for example through lamellar gift leaf of saga, leaf sambiloto, and leaf pare of at diet trusted can improve bird health in order to the bird can own voice appearance which with quality.
This research aim to to know saga leaf extract gift influence, leaf sambiloto leaf pare extract and extract to diferensiasi leucocyte cell, obstetrical of mineral ( Fe And Zn) and hormone testosteron as factor in charge of at quality produce voice. Turtledove used by as much 25 tail old age 4-6 month;moon and looked after by during 10 ( ten) week. This research use Complete Random Device ( RAL), what divided to become 5 treatment group and each;every turtledove group divided into 5 restating, each 1 tail.

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