Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Burung Punai Emas

Bird of Punai of Gold represent bird of heavy and big pigeon, with length 40 centimetre. Major this bird is metallic green chromatic, with fur of sua neck of green chromatic and the copper. Lead, superior neck, and the chest, and also fur of frond flying of old grey chromatic. Its tail short very and the sterling white chromatic. Existence one black bongol at jetty of his/its bill, and his/its foot/feet is wine-colored strong.
Female bird, inclusive of bongol bill, and fur suanya, is smaller compare with masculine bird. Part of under female bird also the chromatic more fight. tail of immature Bird of black chromatic
Bird of Punai of Gold of berkelana in kawanan from island to island, inclusive of treads dwelt by human being, to look for his/its food composed by than seed, fruit, and semi invertebrat. He is interested to area having bijian. Generally, this bird sleep in external isle of coastal area which don't have predator and pass the time day in area having the more amount food.

His/Its air transport quickly, with blow pack which remain to and also hitch of sekali-sekala representing characteristic of bird of pigeon of generally. However mysteriously, kawanan of this bird tend to flown in line and also also in single line, rather than in spasmodic kawanan signalized by many bird of other pigeon. white its tail looked to be act as " tail light" when wading water of when at dawn or dusk. bird of this Punai rather than bird of species which is noisy very, and his/its sound is koo-koo-koo.
Bird of Punai of Gold have a nest in thick forest, and construct den of stick of is above fundamental. He release one egg in each times;rill. His/Its egg is in form of white chromatic and longituade with colour.Wikipedia

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